Sunday 21 February 2016

First West of England Wright StreetLite DF 47553 SN14FGE

The bus routes between Portishead and Bristol were for a long time numbered 358 or 359 with the additional 357 route being introduced in 2008 to serve the new developments around Portishead Marina. In March 2013 these routes were rebranded as X2 and X3 and gave a 15 min daytime frequency from Portishead into Bristol along with earlier and later services each day. X numbered  routes were traditionally associated with limited stop express services, but in this case it was a simple renumbering with buses continuing to serve every stop - as with many other services in North Somerset around the same time. The service was originally marketed as having buses fitted with leather seats and wi-fi but at the time of launch these vehicles were still "in-build" and existing vehicles were utilised. I do remember one day seeing one of the earliest step entrance Dennis Darts still in service being used! In 2014 a batch of eight Wright StreetLife DF B37F buses fitted with leather seats and wi-fi were delivered and allocated to Marlborough Street for use on the routes and branded in the "Express Yourself" livery. Seen on a very dull and rainy Saturday 20th February 2016 Wright StreetLife DF B37F 47553 SN14FGE starts its descent down the steep Avon Way towards Combe Road and High Street Portishead whilst working an X2 towards Bristol. 

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