Wednesday 22 October 2014

Bristol Omnibus Farecards

OK, not a bus - but hopefully an interesting vehicle nonetheless. VHW547H is pictured here in its guise as a publicity vehicle for the Bristol Omnibus Company at the Bristol Bus Rally on 18th August 1981. The livery is an advert for the companies range of ticket savers - launched in late Summer 1979 and running for several years. The range included Fare Cards, Day Out, Off Peak, Rover Card and Week Ender - each with it's own character as part of a family such as Freddie Fare Card and Reggie Rovercard etc. The campaign included on-bus, press and even TV advertising along with some vehicles being painted in an all-over advertising livery such as the five Metrobuses referred to in an earlier post on this site. On a personal note, as a young YTS (Youth Training Scheme) employee with Bristol Omnibus in the early 80's, I clearly remember spending a day dressed casually (as a Student - therefore carrying a large pile of books) on board a Leyland National driving around Bristol being filmed for a TV advert promoting the range of fare saving cards. I did get to see this advert a couple of times, usually on TV around 6:00 to 7:00pm between the local and National news - aimed at the commuter who has just arrived home and switched on the TV for the evening I guess!

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